Mr Barbe adds that producers may be reaping gains, but in mature markets such as France, where consumers are more price sensitive, processors such as smoked salmon operators and retailers have been losing money on salmon. 芭尔贝补充称,养殖商可能正在获益,但在法国等成熟市场,消费者对于价格更为敏感,三文鱼熏制商等加工商以及零售商的三文鱼业务一直在亏损。
At top schools, campus courses retain the prestige and networking possibilities, and big, international client organisations are less price sensitive. 在顶级商学院,在校课程依然保持威望,还能提供拓展人脉的可能性,同时大型、国际化的单位客户对价格的敏感程度较低。
Your typical purchaser on the weekends is going to be more price sensitive, and airlines might realize that and lower their fares, Puller told the station. 普勒告诉电台的记者说:喜欢在周末购买机票的人对价格更加敏感,航空公司也许意识到了这一点,特意调低了票价。
But unless the expected launch of a new, lower-priced iPhone can stop the rot, Apple will probably be overwhelmed in the profit stakes by the sheer volumes of its arch-rival, as growth shifts to more price sensitive markets. 但是,除非预期将要发布的新型低价iPhone阻止顾客流失,随着增长重心转向更为价格敏感的市场,苹果在利润份额上很可能被其劲敌的庞大出货量打败。
Buyers at this end of the market are much more price sensitive and prices have been rising much more slowly. 低端市场的购房者对价格要敏感得多,房价上涨速度也缓慢得多。
The conversion option usually lets the issuer offer a lower initial interest rate and makes the bond price less sensitive than conventional bonds to changes in the interest rate. 由于可以转换成股票,这类债券所付的利息通常较低,因此它们对利率的变动不那么敏感。
People in these areas are less price sensitive, and the gas stations realize this fact. 那些鬼佬对油价根本不在意,而加油站的人都了解这一事实。
Buying or selling securities while in the possession of confidential price sensitive information ( inside information) is a criminal offence in most jurisdictions. 在很多辖区,在掌握机密的价格信息(内部信息)的情况下买卖证券构成犯罪行为。
That is in sharp contrast to Europe or the US, where trading is halted only temporarily for price sensitive announcements, and company directors and administrators have a duty of timely disclosure. 这与欧美市场形成鲜明对比,在那里,只有在发布价格敏感信息时,股票才会暂停交易,而且公司董事以及管理人有责任及时披露信息。
The likely explanation was that the Asian buyers had more price-sensitive customers in Chinatown. 一个可能的解释是,亚裔买家在唐人街拥有对价格更加敏感的客户。
Since these buyers are not terribly price sensitive, they may distort price signals from the bond market, artificially depressing yields. 考虑到这些买家对价格不是非常敏感,它们有可能曲解来自债券市场的价格信号,人为压低债券收益率。
Furthermore, they tend to be less price sensitive, and may provide free word-of-mouth advertising and referrals. 此外,他们的价格敏感性往往更低,并可能提供免费的口碑广告和推荐。
Furthermore, the volatile business climate caused many customers to be more price sensitive with their purchase decisions. 此外,动荡的商业环境使得客户对价格的变动更为敏感,不敢轻易作出购买决定。
In the market of customized products, demands are both time sensitive and price sensitive. 在定制产品市场中,需求不仅对价格敏感,对时间也十分敏感;
Analysts say the high price of alternative-fuel vehicles is one of the biggest barriers to their widespread acceptance in China, where the high proportion of first-time car buyers makes the market very price sensitive. 分析师们表示,替代燃料汽车价格高昂,是它们难以在中国得到普遍认可的最大障碍之一。在中国购车者中,首次购车者所占比例很高,因此中国汽车市场对价格非常敏感。
But headline consumer price inflation, politically sensitive in China, will not allow it. 但是,在中国具有政治敏感性的整体消费价格指数(CPI)不容许这么做。
Bankers had damped down the price in order not to alienate institutional investors who are price sensitive but will hold the stock for many years. 银行家们为了拉拢对价格敏感、但会持股多年的机构投资者而压低了价格。
Supply Chain Coordination under the Production Cost& Price Sensitive Coefficiency Disruption 成本和价格敏感系数扰动时的供应链协调
Electricity price sensitive factor of biomass generation power 生物质能发电电价的敏感因素分析
In centralized supply chain, a two-period dynamic pricing and advertising strategy is given by a two-stage backward induction. The influence of price sensitive coefficient and advertising sensitive coefficient on decision is analyzed. 在集中式供应链下,采用两阶段逆向归纳法给出两周期定价和广告决策,分析价格敏感系数和广告敏感系数对决策的影响;
Grain price is sensitive to the change of production, though the supply elasticity is low and has limited effect to coordinate grain production. 虽然粮食的供给弹性较小,对调整粮食生产的影响有限,但是粮食价格对粮食生产的反应却很敏感。
The short-term oil demand has a high income elasticity but a low price elasticity, making demand unable to measure up to the adjustment to oil price automatically. But oil price is extremely sensitive to the change of the supply-demand relationship; 短期石油需求带有典型的高收入弹性,低价格弹性特点,导致需求对价格的自动调整比较迟钝,石油价格对市场供求关系的变化却极为敏感。
There are generally two types of OEMs in the present market: the price sensitive type and the brand sensitive type. 市场上的OEM基本上分2种类型:价格敏感型和品牌敏感型。
The price sensitive OEMs pay close attention to the price and focus on the middle and low-end market. 前一类OEM服务于中低端市场,对价格比较敏感,在购买决策中着重考虑价格或性价比;
For more price sensitive products, it is better to subsidize the retailer or the manufacturer. The increase in domestic demand and supply chain profit are the same in both cases. 对于价格敏感性高的产品,补贴给零售商或制造商更优,补贴给零售商和补贴给制造商扩大的内需和供应链利润是一样的。
So consumers have become increasingly price sensitive, they will concern about retail prices for products, and expect the future prices of the products to choose the buying time. 因此,消费者对于产品价格的敏感性越来越高,他们会关注零售商对于产品的定价,并根据对产品今后的价格预期来选择购买时间。
The stock price is sensitive to a lot of factors including those of its owner and its surrounding. So compared with other forecast systems, the stock price forecast system needs more consideration. 股价对许多因素的变化都非常敏感,其中有来自于自身的也有来自于外界的,因此相对于其他预测系统,股价预测系统需要考虑的问题比较多。
The urban housing price is a sensitive socio-economic question. 城市住宅价格是一个敏感的社会经济问题。
For asset price is highly sensitive on monetary policy, minor changes of monetary policy would cause asset price fluctuate, delay is very short. 资产价格对货币政策有着高度的敏感性,货币政策的微小变化都会引起资产价格的波动,并且资产价格会迅速对货币政策的变动做出反应,时滞很短。